Typhoons come and go in the Philippines from May to October. This year's typhoons have longer stay than usual. Argh! Too bad for our detailing business.

Add to the oddity is that, even when there's no typhoon, rain just pours and then the sun comes through, and then all of a sudden it rains again. Such a berserk weather! No wonder people especially kids have weaker immune system. Change of temperature and climate contributes to the weakening of immunity.

Two weeks ago my two boys had cough, colds and fever. I gave them added doses of Ceelin Plus - (generic: Ascorbic Acid + Zinc). I prefer this over the old plain Ceelin vitamin. It has Zinc. Zinc fires up the enzymes needed by the body in healing wounds. It's much needed in boosting the immune system, thus more helpful in treating common colds.

Had I not given them Ceelin Plus, their fever would have lasted long. To my delight, fever's gone in 24 hours. :)

The world we live today is overwhelmed with chemical-based products, artificially preserved foods, and synthetic drugs that do us more harm than good. While modern advancement aims to provide comfort, hassle-free, instant use of just about any human use and consumption, we are more than ever, exposed to junk, toxins and carcinogens. No wonder why our life span now is getting shorter. My grandparents died in their late 70's. I can only imagine up to what age I, or my kids will actually live if I will just let my family continue to be exposed to these 'killing-me-softly' products.

Good thing is, as much as we are exposed to the unnatural products, there is a growing awareness of health consciousness. More and more people are shifting to organic, natural, and chemical-free products. Now we are going back to basics.

I got curious when I saw Lifestyle Network show's Grow Your Own Drugs teaser. So I watched the show and every second was worth it. The show's packed with information on what plants/herbs are good as remedies and beauty treats, where to usually find them, and the must-know how-to's. Ethnobotanist James Wong knowledgeably hosts the show.

How I envy him! I'm awed at how vast his knowledge is of these amazing, God-given plants. Oh how can I not be? I never tried planting one, not until recently. I grew some plants on my plant box and I don't even know the names of these plants I planted. I am pathetic, harhar!

But it's never too late to grow my own drugs/plants. I'll start planting my own herbs. In the Philippines, some herbs are rarely planted. As far as I know, the only herb commonly planted here is oregano. I might wanna give it a shot for some basil, rosemary and thyme and mint for a start. :)